Known versus unknown. Which will cost you big? Both will cost you big if you do not act swiftly. Home insurance is expensive. Don’t make it easy for your insurance company to deny you because you waited to take action. I recommend that you consult with an experienced insurance attorney to review your policy.
Ongoing Damage? Watch for Exclusion Landmines
So you just noticed moisture in your home. Have a professional investigate it immediately. If not, your insurance company will say it was a long-term leak. You need to make sure that you protect your rights. Like and follow for more.
Mold Limit Pitfalls in Your Policy
Mold limits. Every policy has a mold limit. Most policies cover only $10,000 for mold-related damage. If you’re unsure as to what your limits are, hire an attorney to do a thorough policy review.
How Mold Can Make You Homeless
Staying in a home with mold is not fun and definitely is not safe. So when the mold is being cleaned up in your home, you may have to get a hotel or stay with a loved one. Make sure you keep track of any extra expenses, whether it’s a hotel bill, food bill, or … Continue reading “How Mold Can Make You Homeless”
Mold. Who Pays for Testing?
Mold, who pays for testing? You do, at least at first. Check your policy to make sure you have coverage for mold testing. If you’re unsure, hire an attorney to protect your rights.