Reading the mail is really important, especially when it’s mail coming from your insurance company. Pay attention to notices in the mail regarding cancellation or non-renewal of your policy. You do not want to be caught off guard regarding an increased premium or remove coverages in the endorsement section of your policy to avoid that … Continue reading “Open and Read Every Piece of Mail About Your Insurance”
90 Day Honeymoon. Misstatement Trap!
The 90 day honeymoon cancellation of your policy for misstatements. Your insurance company can only cancel your policy due to misstatements within 90 days of obtaining the insurance. If you’re unsure about this provision, make sure to consult with your insurance agent or speak with an experienced insurance attorney.
Can I get Insurance After I Sue?
So a common question I hear all the time, “if I sue, will I be uninsurable?” No, you are still insurable. If you file too many claims in a short period of time or have a lot of claims, it will be difficult to find new insurance. Make sure to consult with your insurance agent … Continue reading “Can I get Insurance After I Sue?”
Failure to Cooperate with Investigation
Post-loss obligations. One of them is cooperating with the insurance company as part of their investigation of your claim. Allow your insurance company to inspect your property as many times as they request and provide any and all documents that are being requested. You don’t wanna give your insurance company any excuses to deny your … Continue reading “Failure to Cooperate with Investigation”
What Should I do to Keep an Accurate Record of Expenses?
Super important. Keeping an accurate record of your repair expenses is key to having a covered claim. Keep all of your receipts. Do not throw away anything. Organize your receipts so they are easily found and identified. If you are unsure of how to do all this, consult with your insurance agent or speak with … Continue reading “What Should I do to Keep an Accurate Record of Expenses?”
Should I Give a Recorded Statement?
Recorded statements. Do not do this alone. Seek counsel. Insurance attorneys love when you are not represented. They feel like they can ask any questions that may be intrusive. Don’t make this mistake if you’re asked to do a recorded statement. Please consult with experienced assurance attorney.
What is Prompt Notice?
What is prompt notice? Prompt notice means you give notice to your insurance company as soon as practicable. Insurance companies routinely rely on prejudice for late reported claims for advice regarding late reporting of a claim. Please consult with your insurance agent or speak with an experienced insurance attorney.
Mitigate Further Damage. What Does That Mean?
You must mitigate damage in your property. Do not let your damages get worse. Do not wait to make repairs to make sure you are properly mitigating damages. Please consult with your insurance agent or speak with an experienced insurance attorney.
What is an Examination Under Oath?
EUO, examination under oath. For an EUO, it is possible that your agents have to sit for one if requested. Your insurance company has a right to request that your business associates or family members sit for an EUO. If these people are within your control, they’re required to sit for an EUO. If you … Continue reading “What is an Examination Under Oath?”
Mythbusters: Retain Damaged Property
Don’t forget to retain damaged property. Insurance companies love to claim that a portion of a pipe or a wall was missing during their inspection. Make sure to provide photos if any of any reconstruction work. If you are unsure, please contact your insurance agent or speak with an experienced insurance attorney.